Review: When Animals Dream (Arnby, 2014)

When Animals Dream is a charmingly atmospheric take on the werewolf myth which strikes an admirable balance between intelligent storytelling and the obligatory use of genre tropes. A young woman called Marie lives a quiet life in a Danish fishing village, where we are introduced to the character as she visits a local doctor after noticing some surprising bodily changes. 'Nothing … Continue reading Review: When Animals Dream (Arnby, 2014)

Frames in Focus: A Hijacking (Lindholm, 2012)

127 days after the Rozen was first hijacked, the ship's crew are brought up on deck and into the light of day. There is an excruciating sense of tension accompanying the pirates' decision to move their hostages. Something important is about to happen, but the ship's cook Mikkel (Pilou Asbæk) and his crewmates have no idea what that may be. … Continue reading Frames in Focus: A Hijacking (Lindholm, 2012)